Workshop on Energy Statistical and Geographic Information Systems

Nguyen, Hoang Anh- Energy Economics, Demand Forescast & DSM Dept, Institute of Energy

A two-day workshop on the improvement of energy statistical and geographic information systems for Mexico was held by the Mexican Ministry of Energy and APEC during 9-10th April in Mexico city

A two-day workshop on the improvement of energy statistical and geographic information systems for Mexico was held by the Mexican Ministry of Energy and APEC during 9-10th April in Mexico city. Representatives of APEC economics, including Vietnam shared experiences that helps Mexico to improve the data quality, timeliness and completeness.
Mexico’s energy reform has generated changes on the industrial activities and government institutions. Therefore, it is important for Mexico and Asia-Pacific region to establishe a data governance model and institutional arrangement to ensure the value chain of the statistical and geographic information required by domestic and international institutions, in order to promote energy efficiency and to have better policies.

Mexico officially joined the International Energy Agency as the 30th member country three months ago. One of its obligations is to provide monthly, weekly and daily information in emergency situations. Specific requirements and demands of quality information request Mexican Ministry of Energy to institute a technological innovation strategy of the system, including the intergration of integrating new analytical functions that will contribute to the promotion of public policies, market intelligence , public understanding and decision making in energy matters.
For that reason, the workshop aims to help Mexiccan Ministry of Energy to develop a more robust, reliable and timely Energy Information System. On the other hand , it create a synergy between Workshop participants on energy statistical and geographic information systems.

At the workshop, Energy and Statistical experts contributed their knowledge and experiences to develop a strong energy statistical and geographic information systems.
As a speaker in the workshop, Mr. H.Anh, an energy statistics expert working at Institute of Energy Vietnam also shared his country’s story on energy statistics, although it must be acknowledged that Vietnam is behind Mexico and needs a similar strategy to improve its energy information system.
