Successfully energizing the AT1 500kV-900MVA transformer and completing the 500kV Nho Quan NCS TBA project

The Consulting Center for Energy and Technology Transfer – Institute of Energy

At 1:08 on January 29th, 2022, the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNPT) coordinated with relevant units to successfully energize the AT1 500kV-900MVA transformer of Nho Quan 500kV Substation (Dong Phong commune, Nho Quan district, Thái Bình province).

EVNNPT is the project’s Investor, the Northern Power Project Management Board acts as the Investor’s representative, and the Institute of Energy is the project’s design consultant.

The Nho Quan 500kV substation is a critical node in the national power transmission system, and one of EVNNPT’s most strategic goals in ensuring safe, continuous, and stable transmission for the national power grid.
The “Raising capacity of Nho Quan 500 kV substation” project is a class I, group B energy project aiming at replacing two 500/220/35kV-450MVA transformers with two 500/220/35kV-900MVA transformers; replacing the device of two branch feeders, the device of feeder communication – 220kV; replacing 220kV busbar conductors and other synchronous systems.

Fire prevention acceptance of Siemens AT1 500/220/35kV-900MVA transformer phase A of 500kV Nho Quan substation

The AT1 500kV-900MVA transformer replaces the 500kV-600MVA and 500kV-450MVA transformers and being connected to the top of the busbar on the 500kV and 220kV branch feeders. It is a complex and unprecedented technical issue in the Vietnam power network, involving the pairing of two 500kV transformers to ensure the reliable and flexible operation.
The successful energization and operation of the AT1 500kV – 900MVA transformer, as well as the completion of the “Raising capacity of Nho Quan 500 kV substation” project with the total capacity of 2x900MVA, continue to affirm the Institute of Energy’s capability and position in consulting and designing projects for 500kV power transmission grids in Vietnam. The project plays a critical role in contributing to the capacity release of the Hoa Binh and Son La hydropower plants, improving the reliability and safety of electricity supply, and meeting the requirements for social and economic development of Hanoi and the Red River Delta’s southern provinces. The project also addresses an important circuit link between areas in the Northern power grid, enhancing the national power system’s safety and stability.
