Some main achievements

In 17 past years, Institute of Energy gained many important achievements, contributing in development of Vietnam in general and in energy sector in particular

  • Prepared Master Plans n Natinal Electric Pwer Develpment, preparing Sixth Master Plan n Natinal Electric Pwer Develpment (2006 – 2015, perspective up t 2025), in which electric pwer planning was cnsidered in balance with develpment f natinal energy, energy sub-sectrs such as il & gas, cal and ther renewable energies.
  • Carried ut the pre-feasibility study reprt f the first nuclear pwer plant in Vietnam
  • Invlved in research n and making prpsals t the Gvernment the natinal energy plicies thrugh scientific technical research themes such as “Vietnam Energy Review and Natinal Energy Plicy” – KC-03 (1991-1995); “Energy Sectr Develpment Strategy up t 2020” –KHCN-09-02; “Legal and scientific backgrunds fr electric pwer intercnnectin and pwer exchange with cuntries in the regin”-KHCN-09-04 under the State Research Prgram KHCN-09 in the perid 1996-2000.
  • Prepared natinal energy demand frecast in the perid up t 2025 by ecnmic sectr and by primary and final energy.
  • Crdinating with experts in cal sectr and petrleum & gas sectr, Institute f Energy carried ut assessment f ptential and effective explitability f primary energy resurces such as cal, il & gas, hydr, nuclear, renewable energies etc.
  • Prepared natinal master plan n energy resurces fr the perid 2000-2005, perspective t 2010
  • Prepared master plan n natinal electrificatin and rural electrificatin.
  • Prepared reprt n small hydrpwer develpment planning fr the whle cuntry and prvinces f Gia Lai and Kn Tum, Dak Lac etc.
  • Prepared pwer develpment plans fr prvinces, cities including Hani Capital, H Chi Minh city, large industrial areas such as Dung Quat, Ba Ria – Vung Tau alng the rad 51 in Ba Ria –Vung Tau prvince, territrial areas such as the nrth- west area, triangle area f 7 prvinces n brder lines between Vietnam-Las, Vietnam-Cambdia and hundreds f districts , twns thrughut the cuntry.
  • Prepared PFS and FS reprts f many pwer generatin prjects which use different fuels (cal, il, gas) and different technlgies (steam turbines, gas turbine cmbined cycle, diesel) f which there are sme imprtant prjects such as Ung Bi extensin TPP, Hai Phng TPP, Ninh Binh extensin TPP, Hai Phng 2 TPP and sme thers with prject wners utside pwer sectr.
  • Invlved in calculatin and justificatin f necessity t cnstruct the secnd circuit f Nrth-Suth 500 kV pwer line.
  • Prepared many PFS, FS reprts f 500 kV pwer prjects such as Phu My-Nha Be-Phu Lam 500 kV line, 220 kV pwer lines f Tht Nt –Chau Dc, Dng Ha-Dinh Vu, Dng Ha-Vat Cach, Hai Phng- Dinh Vu , Dinh Vu 220 kV substatin, Van Tri 220 kV substatin etc. and many 110 kV lines and substatins.
  • Prepared technical design, ttal cst estimate, bidding dcuments and carried ut EPC bid evaluatin and EPC cntract negtiatin fr Hai Phng 2×300 MW TPP, Ninh Binh 300 MW TPP. These are the first prjects in which Institute f Energy carried ut technical design f large pwer plants as a main designing cnsultant (sub-cnsultant was a freign Cnsultant).
With experience in energy research and develpment, Institute f Energy achieved significant results thrugh prjects:
  • Carried ut many technical-scientific applicatin studies such as demand side management (DSM), applicatin f measures t increase biler’s efficiency, applicatin f UD burners in Ninh Binh pwer plant, st blwer systems in Ung Bi and Ninh Binh TPPs, bttm ash remving system f Ninh Binh TPP. The research theme “Design and applicatin f UD burners fr steam bilers f Ninh Binh TPP” was awarded the Vietnam Scientific Inventin Prize (VIFTEC) in 2003. Carried ut applicatin f hydraulic mdeling in technical designing and cnstructin f Hydrpwer plants f Yaly, Se San 3, Tuyen Quang and serving repairing f dwnstream structures f Ha Binh, Thac Ba hydrpwer plants. Institute f Energy, in Jint Venture with Nippn Kei C. Ltd., J-Pwer cmpany f Japan, carried ut reviewing technical design f Sn La hydrpwer plant prject, the largest hydrpwer plant in Vietnam.
  • Carried ut technlgy transfer f electr-mechanical parts t pwer plants; carried ut envirnmental impact assessments f TPPs and HPPs.
  • Prepared feasibility study reprts f wind pwer generatin prjects fr island districts f Ly Sn, Bach Lng Vi and Ninh Thuan prvince.
  • Installed many phtvltaic pwer systems, wind turbines, bigas digesters, imprved cking stves fr inhabitants and slders living in remte rural muntainus and island areas.
  • Prepared Atlas f Pwer Distributin Netwrks fr the whle cuntry and cncentrated industrial znes.
  • Develpment f cperative relatins with many internatinal rganizatins such as UNDP, WB, UNID, UNICEF, ADB, FA, ESCAP, EU, APDC, ACCT, AIT, APERC, SIDA, CRIEPI, ACE, JICA, NED, EDF, CDG, IEEJ, SEI… and many freign cnsulting agencies fr carrying ut many research prgrams, rganizing the wrkshps and training curses in the field f energy/electricity.
  • Carried ut imprtant scientific research themes at natinal and ministerial levels:
    • Vietnam Energy Review and Natinal Energy Plicy, KC.03 (1991-1995).
    • Energy Sectr Develpment Strategies up t 2020, KHCN – 09-02
    • rientatin f feasible use f renewable, hydr and bimass energies at industrial level in Vietnam.
    • Technlgy study fr reasnable use f hydr-energy resurce f river systems in the whle cuntry fr hydraulic pwer develpment.
    • Study n prtectin measures fr preventing envirnmental impacts frm peratin f high and super-high vltage pwer transmissin systems.
    • Study n assessment f ptential reductin f green huse gases emissin frm energy activities in Vietnam

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