Power Development Plan of Vinh Phuc for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035

Nguyen, Hoang Anh- Energy Economics, Demand Forescast & DSM Dept, Institute of Energy

The Project component 1 of the study Power Development Plan of Vinh Phuc for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035 was officially approved by Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).

Per requested by Vinh Phuc’s People Committee and Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency, MOIT issued the Decision No 4922/QĐ-BTC dated December 29th, 2017 on approval the Project Component 1 of the study.

Power grid of Vinh Phuc by 2035

Vinh Phuc, which is located near Hanoi capital, developing industrial sectors. It is one of the few Northern provinces most contributing to the national budget. It expects to have around 18 Centralized industrial zones with total square of more than 5,200 ha, that helps to promote the local GRDP at 7.1% per year by 2020.

The Project Component 1 shows that by 2025 electricity sale of the province will reaches over 6.1 billion kWh with that figure per capital of 5,153 kWh. By 2035 electricity sale will reaches over 11.3 billion kWh with that figure per capital of 8,526 kWh.
The plan also proposes that, during 2016-2025, 3 220kV-substations with total capacity of 1,000 MVA, 30 110kV-substations with total capacity of 1,725 MVA, around 164.8 km of 220KV grid and nearly 210.1 km of 110kV grid; and during 2026-2035, 6 220kV-substations with total capacity of 1,500 MVA, 25 110kV-substations with total capacity of 1,468 MVA, around 40.5 km of 220KV grid and 46.2 km of 110kV grid would be newly constructed or improved.
According to the plan, the People Committee are calling for investment of 3 waste-to-power projects applying the burning technology in Bình Xuyên, Tam Dương and Lập Thạch waste processing areas with the capacity of 5 MW per reach projet.
The total investment cost of power projects with the voltage of 220kw or lower for the period 2016-2025 is estimated of 11,363.1 billion VND, including 5,807.5 billion VND for medium and low voltage grid.
Click here to download the Decision 4922/QĐ-BCT(Vietnamese only)
