Power Development Plan of Thai Nguyen for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035

Nguyen, Hoang Anh- Energy Economics, Demand Forescast & DSM Dept., Institute of Energy

Both project components of the study Power Development Plan of Thai Nguyen for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035 are officially approved by Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and Thai Nguyen’s People Committee.

Per requested by Thai Nguyen’s People Committee and former General Directorate of Energy, MOIT issued the decision No 3042/QĐ-BTC dated August 3rd, 2017 to approve the Project Component 1 of the study. Thai Nguyen’s People Committee subsequently approved its Project Componet 2 through the decision No 3033/QĐ-UBND dated October, 2nd 2017.

Power grid of center of Thai Nguyen by 2035

Thai Nguyen is located in the Northerm midland and mountainous region which is known as the poorest and most slowly developing area in Vietnam. Despite of that, Thai Nguyen has a strong economiy, of which industry sector plays the leading role. Last year, Thai Nguyen was ranked at the second in term of growth rate, and the third in term of value of export turnover in the country.
The local economy used to depend on the Thai Nguyen Steel complex which was established in 1959, as the first and only factory having a closed production line from iron ore to cast iron, steel billets and steel rolling. But now it has the Samsung industrial complex worth 7 billion USD located in Yen Binh Centralized industrial Zone. Besides that, Núi Pháo mineral exploitation and processing complex and many other industrial projects together bring a new look to the local industry. Accordingly, Thai Nguyen sets the target of GRDP growth rate at around 10% per year by 2035.
The Project Component 1 shows that in 2025 electricity sale of the province reaches over 8.5 billion kWh with that figure per capital of 6.227 kWh. In 2035 electricity sale reaches over 13.6 billion kWh with that figure per capital of 9,365 kWh.
The plan also proposes that, during 2016-2025, 3 220kV-substations with total capacity of 1.000 MVA, 37 110kV-substations with total capacity of 2.179 MVA, around 90.2 km of 220KV grid and nearly 294 km of 110kV grid; and during 2026-2035, 7 220kV-substations with total capacity of 1.750 MVA, 20 110kV-substations with total capacity of 1.101 MVA, around 61.0 km of 220KV grid and 48.6 km of 110kV grid would be newly constructed and improved. Regarding medium voltage level, the Project Component 2 proposes to add over 1.661 MVA during period 2016-2025 only.
According to the aprovplan, the People Committee are calling for investment of 3 waste-to-power projects applying the burning technology in Đồng Hầm, Hòa Lâm và Phúc Thành waste procesing areas with total capacity of 5 MW.
The total investment cost that covers power facilities for the period 2016-2025 is estimated of 9,506 billion VND, including 5,649 billion VND for medium and low voltage grid.

Click here to download the decision 3042/QĐ-BCT (Vietnamese only)

Click here to download the decision 3033/QĐ-UBND (Vietnamese only).
