Power Development Plan of Quang Binh for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035

Nguyen, Hoang Anh- Energy economics, demand forescast and dsm, Institute of Energy
Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) issued a decision approving the Power Development Plan of Quang Binh for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035 per requested by Quang Binh People’s Committee and Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency. All the project documents were prepared by Institute of Energy.

In 03 September 2017, MOIT issued the decision No 3824/QĐ-BTC to approve Project Component 1 of the Power Development Plan of Quang Binh for period 2016-2025 with outlook to 2035. It is definitely the outstanding outcome of the project prepared by Institute of Energy since early 2016. Purposes of the power development plan are to ensure power supply to meet the local socio-economic development, as well as to provide solutions for local in-coming hydroelectric and renewable energy plants connecting to the national grid.

Quang Binh is a province along the country’s north-central coast, has much potential to promote tourism, building material and power generation industries. According to the local Socio-economics development plan, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) grows by 7,5-9% and 5,0-7,0% for period of 2016-2025 and 2026-2035 respectively. It expects 8 Centralized Industrial Zones with total square of more than 2.100 ha by 2020, of which the ones located inside Hon La Economic Zone especially. Concerning power plants connecting to 110kV national grid, Quảng Bình has licensed two hydroelectric projects La Trọng – 22MW and Kim Hoa – 20M and a solar power project in Lệ Thủy district that belongs to a Korean investor.
According to the approved Power development plan, in 2025 electricity sale reaches around 2.9 billion kWh, four times higher than the last year. Also in that year, electricity sale per capital reaches 3,100 kWh. By 2035, electricity sale is projected at around 5.1 billion kWh and that number per capita is over 5,000 kWh.
In order to meet the increasing power demand as above as well as to connect new power plants to the 110kV system, the approved plan proposes that, during 2016-2025, three 220kV-substations with total capacity of 375 MVA, 21 110kV-substations with total capacity of 795 MVA, around 60 km of 220KV grid and 288 km of 110kV grid; and during 2026-2035, nice 110kV-substations with total capacity of 425 MVA and 17,0 km of 110kV grid will be newly constructed and improved.
The total investment cost that covers power facilities at range of 22- 220kV level is estimated of 4789 billion VND, including the cost for connecting in-coming power plants to the national grid.
MOIT requests the Quang Binh People’s Committee to announce the approved plan and take responsibility for reserving land for approved power facilities and instruct the Local Department of Industry and Trade to develop the Project Component 2 which focus on medium voltage network to reduce power loss and cost.

Click here to download decision (Vietnamese only).
