Pilot study of cylindrical biogas digester with membrane biofilter

By Ho Lan Huong , Institute of Energy

High productivity biogas digesters using biofilters, anaerobic filters, etc. have been studied and developed in many countries in the world. The outstanding strength of this technology is the high biogas production efficiency reaching 1m3 gas/1m3 decomposed substances, while in simple biodigesters operating with continuous feeding mode, the gas production efficiency is only about 0.3 – 0.4 m3 gas/1m3 decomposed substances. Another advantage of the new technology is its ability to accept abrupt changes in volume of daily feed.

Biodigester development in Vietnam dated from 1960s, but only simple types of biodigesters have been developed. Studies on biodigesters with membrane filters, especially those with membrane biofilters, are still lacked. Therefore, the objective of this study is to study and pilot the cylindrical biogas digester with membrane biofilters for both small and medium scales. The pilot results show that such digester is advanced with short retention time, money-saving and suitable to different types of feeding materials.
