Multi Biomass Supply Chain for Combined Heat and Power Plants and Industrial Boilers – A Study for Vietnam (EEP Mekong Progarmme)

In Vietnam (with mre than 80 mill. tns f agricultural residues), there are lt f bimass feedstck available fr energy prductin. At the mment nly small share f the bimass (in Vietnam 1% frm primary energy cnsumptin) is utilized fr energy prductin. The main ptential t utilize bimass as fuel is in c-generatin pwer plants that wuld prduce electricity and steam tgether. The main prblem f cmbined heat and pwer (CHP) plant investrs is t get bimass fuel reliably all the year. The main reasns fr that are:

Lack f adequate plicy and regulatins t purchase pwer frm small RE pwer prducers.
Lw electricity prices prduced by fssil fuels,
Lack f capital availability,
Lack f updated infrmatin n bimass energy technlgies,
Lack f effective demnstratin prjects t emply and use bimass as fuel
Lack f technical knwledge and skills t implement bimass pwer prject,
Lcal bimass energy technlgy is nt yet available and
Lack f reliable bimass supply systems and technlgy.

In recent years, the gvernment f Vietnam has recgnized imprtant rle f renewable energy in sustainable supplying energy in general and electricity in particular. There are legal framewrks in Vietnam that supprt the use f bimass fr energy prductin as fllws:

“The electricity Law” requires supprt t be prvided fr electricity generatin frm renewable energies.
“Decisin N.1208/QD-TTg”, dated 21/07/2011 plans t install the grid cnnected f bimass with 2000MW during the perid f 2011 – 2023.
“Decisin N.1855/QD-TTg” sets up the target with share f RE (3% – 2010, 5% – 2020 and 11% – 2050).
Ministry f Industry and Trade (MIT) has cmmissined the preparatin f Master Plan n Renewabl Energy Develpment in Vietnam fr the perid up t 2020 with utlk t 2030. The final dcument has been prepared by Institute f Energy and submitted t Gvernment fr apprval.

T supprt fr bimass develpment in Vietnam, The prject “Develpment and demnstratin f multi fuel supply chain fr pwer plants and industrial bilers in Vietnam’ is a part f the Energy and Envirnment Partnership Prgramme in the Mekng Regin (EEP Mekng). The prgramme is carried ut during 2010 – 2012 and is funded by the Ministry fr Freign Affairs f Finland and the Nrdic Develpment Fund.

The prject is carried ut by Institute f Energy (IE) f Vietnam tgether with Technical Research Centre f Finland (VTT). IE is the prject leader rganizatin f the prject. VTT’s rle is t act as a partner in the prject. The main bjective f the prject is t develp and demnstrate the effective and reliable bimass supply chain based n multi-fuels fr CHP plants and industrial bilers in Vietnam.

The prject is divided in the five parts: First in the prject the current supply technlgies and supply csts are analysed in Vietnam (1). After that the supply technlgy will be develped (2). The develpment is made in tw – three case studies in Vietnam. The case studies will be selected based n the cmpanies’ interests and plans t cnstruct pwer plants in different regins/prvinces in Vietnam. The bimass supply chain in case studies is based n multi fuels. After this task, ne f case studies will be demnstrated in practice in sme extent (3). The results frm the develpment, case study and demnstratin will be analysed and reprted (4). After that ne seminar will be rganized in each partnership cuntry where the results will be presented in rder t prmte the use f bimass in partnership cuntries (5).

The main impacts f the prject are: the imprvement f bimass prfitability use fr energy, the increase f bimass use in CHP plants, the reductin f envirnment impacts f bimass (at the mment bimass is burnt in pen fires in the field r dumping raw bimass in the rivers), the reductin f imprt and use f cal fr energy prductin and the reductin f pverty by prviding new jbs fr lcal peple in terms f bimass prductin and supply systems.
