METI Global internship Program 2014

After completing successfully the Internship program for fiscal year 2013, on 18th July 2014, Institute of Energy signed a contract with the Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA) of Japan to implement the METI Global Internship Program in FY 2014.

The Program aims to develop human resources that can serve as a bridge for strengthening economic cooperation and developing business between Japan and host countries. To that end, this internship program dispatches young and promising Japanese people to governments, government agencies, industrial organizations, local companies, and Japanese companies overseas, in developing countries. It is also hoped that the companies/organizations hosting interns will view the Program as a renewed opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations through the creation of networks with Japanese companies, the acquisition of knowhow and knowledge on Japanese business customs and attitudes, and the revitalization of the companies/organizations themselves as they guide and interact with interns.
After completing all procedures to choose the most suitable candidates, Institute of Energy decided to select one intern from Hitachi Company. This intern will have four months probation (from middle of September 2014 to middle of January 2015) at International Relations Department.
During the internship period, the intern attended quite many international workshops organized by Institute of Energy and other international organizations; visited wind farm and high-voltage laboratory in the North and South of Vietnam. These activities enabled intern to gain knowledge and experiences on energy business environment and circumstances of the energy strategy in Vietnam, etc…
On 16th January 2015, intern had close-up meeting to present his final reports before finishing his internship program on 17th January 2015.
Several pictures during the internship period: