Major Projects in 2007

Majr prjects and prgrammes was and are implemented by Institute f Energy in this year.

Nuclear Pwer Plant

  • The reprt f Pre-Feasibility n the First Nuclear Pwer Plant in Vietnam was prepared by Institute and allwed by the Gvernment fr submissin t levels f the State.
  • Reprt n human resurce develpment fr the first nuclear pwer plant in Vietnam was endrsed by Ministry f Industry and submitted t the Prime Minister fr apprval.
  • In crdinatin with internatinal agencies, IE is preparing main cntents f Feasibility Reprt f the first nuclear pwer plant in Vietnam.

Hai Phng Thermal Pwer plants

  • EPC cntract f Hai Phng 1 thermal pwer plant (2×300 MW) was in effect frm Nvember 2005. The unit 1 is anticipated t be put int peratin in 32 mnths and the unit 2 in 38 mnths. Institute f Energy is the main cnsultant and ESBI – Ireland is the subcnsultant. EPC cntractr is the cnsrtium f Dng Fang + Marubeni. At present, the prject is under cnstructin. The drum f biler 1 was lifted. Institute f Energy and ESBI are carrying ut supervisin f cnstructin wrks fr the prject wner.
  • EPC cntract f Hai Phng 2 thermal pwer plant (2×300 MW) is in effect frm May 2007. The cnstructin started in July 2007. Institute f Energy is the main cnsultant and ESBI – Ireland is the subcnsultant. EPC cntractr is the cnsrtium f Dng Fang + Marubeni. At present, Institute f Energy and ESBI are reviewing design drawings f EPC cntractr.

Planning thermal pwer centers

  • Planning was established fr thermal pwer centers f Hai Phng 3 (4×600 MW), Vung Ang 3 (3×600 MW), Thai Binh (1200 MW).
  • Institute f Energy is preparing investment reprt f Lng An thermal pwer plant (2×300 MW) fr prject wner utside EVN.
  • Institute f Energy is preparing investment prjects f Ma Khe thermal pwer plant (2×220 MW – CFB) fr VINACMIN, Thang Lng thermal pwer plant (1×300 MW – CFB) fr Thang Lng cement cmpany.
  • Institute f Energy is the subcnsultant fr Vung Ang 1 thermal pwer plant (2×600 MW). LILAMA is the prject wner, Pyry is the main cnsultant. The technical design has been cmpleted.
  • Besides, Institute f Energy als prvide cnsulting services fr preparatin f bidding dcuments, carrying ut prequalificatin f bidders, bid evaluatin fr pwer prjects.

Prject supplying electricity t villages nt electrified in 5 prvinces in Highland

  • The investment prject has been apprved by the Gvernment.
  • Institute f Energy prepared investment reprt f Kn Tum prvince and cmpiled investment reprts f all ther prvinces. At present, Institute f Energy is preparing technical design and cnstructin drawings fr villages f Kn Tum prvince.

Prject supplying electricity t island districts

  • The alternatives fr supplying electricity t island districts have been prepared and submitted t EVN fr apprval.

Hydraulic mdeling fr hydrpwer prjects

  • Institute f Energy is carrying ut hydraulic mdeling fr Sn La hydrpwer prject – stage 3 selectin and ptimizatin f fld verflw chute.
  • Cmpleted hydraulic mdeling fr Se Karman 3 hydrpwer prject (Las)
  • Cmpleted hydraulic mdeling fr A Lui, Hui Quang hydrpwer prjects.
  • Cmpleted planning f small hydrpwer develpment stage 1 fr prvinces f Ca Bang, Nghe An, Lang Sn, Sn La. Cmpleted planning f small hydrpwer develpment stage 2 fr  Kn Tum prvince and is carrying ut Cmpleted planning f small hydrpwer develpment stage 2 fr Ha Giang prvince.

Pilt prject f installatin f cmpact lamps in Bac Ninh prvince

  • This prject is cperatin between Institute f Energy, Electricity Research Institute f Japan (Jyuri), Pwer Cmpany 1 and Bac Ninh Electricity. Installatin f cmpact lamps, measurements and effectiveness calculatin have been cmpleted.

Prject f imprved ck stves under GVEP

  • Carrying ut disseminatin f imprved ck stves in Vinh Phuc prvince. This is the prject with cperatin between Institute f Energy, Wrld Bank and Vietnam Wmen Unin. 500 imprved ck stves have been cnstructed. The prject will be cmpleted in ctber 2007.

Prject f Natinal high vltage labratry

  • Institute f Energy is the prject wner.
  • There are 5 packages fr internatinal bidding and 3 packages fr dmestic bidding. Bidding was cmpleted fr tw dmestic packages.
  • The package “Supply and installatin f impulse high vltage test system” has been bided and Pasni Villa – Italia is the successful bidder.
  • The peratin huse and labratry building are under cnstructin.

Prject HAPUA WG 4“Renewable energy and envirnment”

  • Institute f Energy is the Crdinatr f Prject HAPUA WG 4“Renewable energy and envirnment” f ASEAN cuntries under HAPUA.
  • The bjective f the prject is t prepare radmap fr renewable energy and envirnment develpment and implementatin measures.
  • The prject already held 3 meetings, in Vietnam, Brunei and Indnesia.
  • The furth meeting will be held in Phnm Penh, Cambdia n 30 – 31 August 2007

Cperatin with Cuba

  • In July 2007, the training curse n “Design and cnstructin f large scale bigas plants” was held in Vietnam fr tw Cuban expertsunder the framewrk f science and technlgy cperatin prgram between Vietnam and Cuba.
  • The next training curse n bigas plants will be held in Cuba at the end f 2007. IE’s experts n bigas will g t Cuba fr carrying ut this training curse.