Institute of Energy participated in working program of East Asia Knowledge Platform for Low Carbon Growth in Japan

From 2 to 8 March 2014, Institute of Energy’s representative participated in a working program for members of the East Asia Knowledge Platform for Low Carbon Growth in Japan. 

This program was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan with participants from 14 EAS countries such as Australia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and aimed to be an opportunity for members to share good practices of their countries/institutions towards low carbon growth and discuss how to improve the Knowledge Platform.
Within 5 days of working, all participants in turn shared the efforts and good practices of their countries and institutions towards low carbon growth, discuss on how to improve the Knowledge Platform to promote exchange of views and cooperation among diverse stakeholders as well as increase regional networking and cooperation. Participants also had opportunity to visit various facilities with achievements in low carbon growth in Japan, such as an ultra-supercritical pressure coal-fired thermal power plant which achieved both reduction of environmental burden and high energy efficiency at the world highest level, and a company with a new technology to liquidize and transport hydrogen at ambient temperature and pressure. The delegation also met and exchanged views with researchers at the National Institute for Environmental Studies and visited the bio-diesel production from algae project at Tsukuba University. In Kitakyushu City, they were shared about the policies and some projects for low carbon development being implemented by the city such as Smart Community and Eco Town Projects, etc. The delegation also had a visit to a typical geothermal power plant in Oita.
All participants highly appreciated this invitation program as it is a good chance for them to exchange information and views on low carbon growth, learn from Japan’s experience and progress and network for future regional cooperation in this area.