Research on calculation of possibility of runoff the flood discharge (surface and bottom gates)
Research on calculation of possibility of runoff the flood discharge (surface and bottom gates) Research on calculation of possibility of
Research on calculation of possibility of runoff the flood discharge (surface and bottom gates) Research on calculation of possibility of
Research and calculation of price subsidy in the strategy on development of independent renewable energy power resources in Vietnam Research
Research on development of procedures for testing high voltage equipment in science and technology researches, before and during operation of
Research and development of Reliability management System for Vietnam power system Research and development of Reliability management System for Vietnam
Research on assessment of environmental impacts of environment, climate on dielectric characteristics of composite materials used in high voltage equipment
Research and assessment of possibility of application of CDM for new investment projects, projects of rehabilitation, upgrading of existing power
Research and application of large scale biogas plants for farms (animal raising, processing etc.) for supplying energy on spot Research
Research, summing up and assessment of current status of PV solar application in Vietnam in the period 1994 – 2006
Research, assessment of impacts of power sector on Vietnam economic development Research, assessment of impacts of power sector on Vietnam
GHG emission issues in power sector and measures for their mitigation. GHG emission issues in power sector and measures for