A Case Study on Power Sector Restructuring in Vietnam 

Over  the  last  decade,  the  rapid  growth  and  expansion  of Vietnam’s  economy  has  dramatically increased the demand for electricity in the country. Faced with this challenge, Vietnam’s power industry  has  struggled  to  expand  and  improve  the  country’s  power  system,  as  evidenced  by difficulties  with  developing  new  resources,  enhancing  high-voltage  transmission  lines,  and reducing  transmission  and  distribution  losses.

A Case Study on Power Sector Restructuring in Vietnam
Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan

Over  the  last  decade,  the  rapid  growth  and  expansion  of Vietnam’s  economy  has  dramatically increased the demand for electricity in the country. Faced with this challenge, Vietnam’s power industry  has  struggled  to  expand  and  improve  the  country’s  power  system,  as  evidenced  by difficulties  with  developing  new  resources,  enhancing  high-voltage  transmission  lines,  and reducing  transmission  and  distribution  losses.

However,  in  2006,  the  government  approved  a roadmap  for  establishing  a  competitive  power  market  and  began  to  restructure  the  electricity sector, starting with establishing Vietnam Electricity (EVN) as a private holding company. This essay  provides  an  overview  of  the  key  features  of  the  restructuring  and  reform  process  of Vietnam’s  power  sector  and  then  assesses  both  its  success  to  date  and  the  road  ahead  for continued progress. It argues that as a result of unbundling, competition in the electricity sector is increasing and the quality of power networks has improved.

Main Argument

ver  the  last  decade,  the  rapid  grwth  and  expansin  f Vietnam’s  ecnmy  has  dramatically increased the demand fr electricity in the cuntry. Faced with this challenge, Vietnam’s pwer industry  has  struggled  t  expand  and  imprve  the  cuntry’s  pwer  system,  as  evidenced  by difficulties  with  develping  new  resurces,  enhancing  high-vltage  transmissin  lines,  and reducing  transmissin  and  distributin  lsses.  Hwever,  in  2006,  the  gvernment  apprved  a radmap  fr  establishing  a  cmpetitive  pwer  market  and  began  t  restructure  the  electricity sectr, starting with establishing Vietnam Electricity (EVN) as a private hlding cmpany. This essay  prvides  an  verview  f  the  key  features  f  the  restructuring  and  refrm  prcess  f Vietnam’s  pwer  sectr  and  then  assesses  bth  its  success  t  date  and  the  rad  ahead  fr cntinued prgress. It argues that as a result f unbundling, cmpetitin in the electricity sectr is increasing and the quality f pwer netwrks has imprved.

Plicy Implicatins

Vietnam has embarked n an ambitius lng-term prgram t cmpletely restructure its pwer  sectr,  which  may  span  twenty  years  frm  beginning  t  end.  Hwever,  critical strategic chices will need t be made ver the next few years t adhere t this prgram.
There  are  still  many  framewrk  limitatins  t  establishing  a  perfect  pwer  market  in Vietnam. Gvernment authrities shuld review their experiences with EVN t develp and priritize ptimal strategies fr further unbundling. This prcess shuld als take int cnsideratin the need t develp new sharehlder cmpanies that are financially viable and   have   the   desire   t   ensure   a   slid   fundatin   fr   future   expansins   f   the pwer market.
Creating  an  effective  pwer  market  cannt  be  dne  thrugh  unbundling  alne  and requires  hlistic  appraches  t  the  energy  sectr.  Amng  ther  tasks,  this  will  require refrming  electricity  tariffs,  allwing  utilities  t  have  decent  peratinal  margins,  and imprving and develping infrastructure t deliver electricity t custmers.
