Analyze the Transient Overvoltages in the station of Vietnamese model HVDC-MMC system

Nguyen Xuan Phuc(1); Nguyen Nhat Tung(2); Truong Hoang Nam(1)

1 Institute of Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 ThuyLoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Abstract. Vietnam’s power system will develop an HVDC system quickly to respond to the national energy transmission demand. The HVDC point-to-point link is being met on demand for preliminary and final designs. For the Vietnamese grid system, the procedure for HVDC, essentials of insulation coordination, are necessary, and transient overvoltage is considered. Transient Over-voltages values are conducted by numerical simulation. Parametric studies using PSSE calculations and transfer in EMTP-ATP software are shown in this paper to simulate the worst-case fault locations inside the converter station to have the maximum value possibility of transient overvoltage. The parametric of the Vietnamese power system and the MMC-HVDC model are provided and analyzed. The results offer insights for engineers involved in the insulation coordination of the MMC-HVDC link

Keywords: HVDC transmission, MMC, fault location, transient overvoltage
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