Signing ceremony on agreement for implementation of project “Integrated Sustainable Clean Energy Solutions for Vietnam”, funded by EEP- Mekong (21/01/2014)

On 17 January 2014 afternoon, in Hanoi, Institute of Energy, World Vision Vietnam and Renewable Energy Research Center – Hanoi University of Science and Technology (RERC)  signed the project implementation agreement for Project number 4-V-055 – Integrated Sustainable Clean Energy Solutions for Vietnam, co-funded by EEP-Mekong and World Vision Australia. 

The project is scheduled in two years, with the purpose of establishing and testing a sustainable community controlled model thatdelivers reliable energy and energy efficient technologies to marginalised communities in PhuocSon and Tra My districts in Quang Nam province, Vietnam.
The project includes four main contents:
1. Establishing an effective renewable energy system utilizing energy efficient technologies for remote isolated communities. The detailed tasks include improving, training and providing operational support to 3 communities in Tra My and Phuoc Son to customize the implementation of a pico hydro system and associated energy efficient technologies to ensure a reliable energy sources for livelihood; building a pilot biogas system using human waste in Tra My ethnic boarding school to generate heat for cooking; distributing about 450 high efficient cookstoves and 450 energy efficient technology equipment.
2. Establishing a community controlled managing entity for the renewable energy systems in the three communities
3. Establishing a strong and sustainable financial mechanism to help ensurecommunities can maintain, update and scale-up their renewable energy system
4. Sharing the project results, promoting the model to other communities and provinces in Vietnam for scale up and replication.
Institute of Energy is an important implementation partner in the project and will contribute to the development of the human-waste biogas digester, distribution of energy efficient cookstoves, establishment of the suitable financial mechanism, and promotion of project results for scale up and replication to other communities in Vietnam.
