Consulting on formulation of national strategies and policies on energy and electricity development


  • Prepared Master Plans on National Electric Power Development, preparing Sixth Master Plan on National Electric Power Development (2006 – 2015, perspective up to 2025), in which electric power planning was considered in balance with development of national energy, energy sub-sectors such as oil & gas, coal and other renewable energies.
  • Carried out the pre-feasibility study report of the first nuclear power plant in Vietnam
  • Involved in research on and making proposals to the Government the national energy policies through scientific technical research themes such as “Vietnam Energy Review and National Energy Policy” – KC-03 (1991-1995); “Energy Sector Development Strategy up to 2020” –KHCN-09-02; “Legal and scientific backgrounds for electric power interconnection and power exchange with countries in the region”-KHCN-09-04 under the State Research Program KHCN-09 in the period 1996-2000.
  • Prepared national energy demand forecast in the period up to 2025 by economic sector and by primary and final energy.
  • Coordinating with experts in coal sector and petroleum & gas sector, Institute of Energy carried out assessment of potential and effective exploitability of primary energy resources such as coal, oil & gas, hydro, nuclear, renewable energies etc.
  • Prepared national master plan on energy resources for the period 2000-2005, perspective to 2010
  • Prepared master plan on national electrification and rural electrification.
  • Prepared report on small hydropower development planning for the whole country and provinces of Gia Lai and Kon Tum, Dak Lac etc.
  • Prepared power development plans for provinces, cities including Hanoi Capital, Ho Chi Minh city, large industrial areas such as Dung Quat, Ba Ria – Vung Tau along the road 51 in Ba Ria –Vung Tau province, territorial areas such as the north- west area, triangle area of 7 provinces on border lines between Vietnam-Laos, Vietnam-Cambodia and hundreds of districts , towns throughout the country.
  • Prepared PFS and FS reports of many power generation projects which use different fuels (coal, oil, gas) and different technologies (steam turbines, gas turbine combined cycle, diesel) of which there are some important projects such as Uong Bi extension TPP, Hai Phong TPP, Ninh Binh extension TPP, Hai Phong 2 TPP and some others with project owners outside power sector.
  • Involved in calculation and justification of necessity to construct the second circuit of North-South 500 kV power line.
  • Prepared many PFS, FS reports of 500 kV power projects such as Phu My-Nha Be-Phu Lam 500 kV line, 220 kV power lines of Thot Not –Chau Doc, Dong Hoa-Dinh Vu, Dong Hoa-Vat Cach, Hai Phong- Dinh Vu , Dinh Vu 220 kV substation, Van Tri 220 kV substation etc. and many 110 kV lines and substations.
  • Prepared technical design, total cost estimate, bidding documents and carried out EPC bid evaluation and EPC contract negotiation for Hai Phong 2×300 MW TPP, Ninh Binh 300 MW TPP. These are the first projects in which Institute of Energy carried out technical design of large power plants as a main designing consultant (sub-consultant was a foreign Consultant).
With experience in energy research and development, Institute of Energy achieved significant results through projects:
  • Carried out many technical-scientific application studies such as demand side management (DSM), application of measures to increase boiler’s efficiency, application of UD burners in Ninh Binh power plant, soot blower systems in Uong Bi and Ninh Binh TPPs, bottom ash removing system of Ninh Binh TPP. The research theme “Design and application of UD burners for steam boilers of Ninh Binh TPP” was awarded the Vietnam Scientific Invention Prize (VIFOTEC) in 2003. Carried out application of hydraulic modeling in technical designing and construction of Hydropower plants of Yaly, Se San 3, Tuyen Quang and serving repairing of downstream structures of Hoa Binh, Thac Ba hydropower plants. Institute of Energy, in Joint Venture with Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., J-Power company of Japan, carried out reviewing technical design of Son La hydropower plant project, the largest hydropower plant in Vietnam.
  • Carried out technology transfer of electro-mechanical parts to power plants; carried out environmental impact assessments of TPPs and HPPs.
  • Prepared feasibility study reports of wind power generation projects for island districts of Ly Son, Bach Long Vi and Ninh Thuan province.
  • Installed many photovoltaic power systems, wind turbines, biogas digesters, improved cooking stoves for inhabitants and solders living in remote rural mountainous and island areas.
  • Prepared Atlas of Power Distribution Networks for the whole country and concentrated industrial zones.
  • Development of cooperative relations with many international organizations such as UNDP, WB, UNIDO, UNICEF, ADB, FAO, ESCAP, EU, APDC, ACCT, AIT, APERC, SIDA, CRIEPI, ACE, JICA, NEDO, EDF, CDG, IEEJ, SEI… and many foreign consulting agencies for carrying out many research programs, organizing the workshops and training courses in the field of energy/electricity.
  • Carried out important scientific research themes at national and ministerial levels:

    • Vietnam Energy Review and National Energy Policy, KC.03 (1991-1995).
    • Energy Sector Development Strategies up to 2020, KHCN – 09-02
    • Orientation of feasible use of renewable, hydro and biomass energies at industrial level in Vietnam.
    • Technology study for reasonable use of hydro-energy resource of river systems in the whole country for hydraulic power development.
    • Study on protection measures for preventing environmental impacts from operation of high and super-high voltage power transmission systems.
    • Study on assessment of potential reduction of green house gases emission from energy activities in Vietnam

