Inauguration of the Phuoc Huu – Power 1 solar power plant

MSc. Bui Thanh Trung – Deputy Head of Power Network Planning – Institute of Energy

On 16th June 2019, after 11 months of construction, Phuoc Huu Electricity Investment Joint Stock Company held the inauguration ceremony of Phuoc Huu – Power 1 solar power plant with the capacity of 30.24 MWp in Hau Sanh village, Phuoc Huu commune, Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province.

Attending the inauguration ceremony were her Excellency Tong Thi Phong, member of the Political Bureau, Permanent Vice President of the National Assembly and Mr. Luu Xuan Vinh, chairman of Ninh Thuan Provincial People’s Committee and honoured guests.
Phuoc Huu – Power 1 solar power plant project including 91,650 photovoltaic panels with the total capacity of 330Wp, 11 sets of inverter with the capacity of 2,550KW and 11 0.6/22kV substations with the capacity of 2,550kVA was built on 33 hectares of waste and arid ground with a total investment of over 747 billion VND. Institute of Energy is the consultancy unit for this solar power project, coordinating to carry out the stages from technical design to construction drawing design and commissioning of the plant.
Over 11 months of close cooperation with the Investor, Phuoc Huu Electricity Investment Joint Stock Company, Institute of Energy has completed the design steps in order to deploy the construction and first connected to the power grid in April 2019 and on 9th May 2019, the electricity meter index was locked and the plant was put into commercial operation (COD) before June 2019 in order to get the Government’s preferential electricity purchase price of 9.35 UScent/kWh according to the Decision No. 11/2017/QD-TTg dated 11th April 2017 of the Prime Minister on the mechanism for encouragement of the development of solar power projects in Vietnam and Circular No. 16/2017/TT-BCT dated 12th September 2017 on project development and model Power Purchase Agreements applied to solar power projects.
Phuoc Huu – Power 1 solar power plant project with the capacity of 30.24 MWp is an energy industrial project of class B level 2 invested by Phuoc Huu Electricity Investment Joint Stock Company with the total investment over 747 billion VND. The power output of the first year of about 47.639 million kWh and it is connected to the 110kV Ninh Phuoc cutting station of the National power system by 110kV line of 6.2km length.
Phuoc Huu – Power 1 solar power plant will help to boost the economic development of the region and of Ninh Thuan province, which will enable Ninh Thuan province to become a renewable energy center as well as reduce electricity shortage in the coming period when Vietnam has stopped investing in Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant and thermal power sources are expected to be delayed such as Long Phu and O Mon thermal power plants as wel as power plants using gas from Blue Whale field…
