Research and design of an automatic sun tracking system to increase performance of solar energy equipment

By Ly Ngoc Thang, Institute of Energy

Equipment using solar energy to produce heat and generate electricity has been developed rapidly in recent years in the world. To improve the equipment performance, there have been many studies on and production of different sun tracking structures to be installed on photovoltaic panels. The solar tracking structures are used to keep the collecting side of the equipment constantly oriented toward the sun in order to collect the most energy. In Vietnam, such a solar tracking system has not been paid much attention to. There were only some laboratory-scaled tests.

Originating from the need for study and production of a simple solar tracking system applicable to small capacity scale, the “Research and design of an automatic sun tracking system to increase performance of solar energy equipment” has studied and designed a solar energy system using solar tracking structure, and tested the system in Hanoi area. Basing on the results, the authors propose to manufacture the system at commercial scale and apply to localities nationwide.