Consideration of voltage stability characteristics in the selection of medium voltage grid structure

Prof. Dr. La Van Ut, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Dr. Nguyen Duc Hanh – Institute of Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade


With the rapid development of the national economy and demand for electricity, the requirement for the quality of electricity supply is on a high. The selection of grid parameters to improve the quality of electricity supply has an important role in planning, design and operation of the electric power providing system (EPPS). However, the extra rapid development of power distribution networks corresponding to the load demand growth could lead to unreasonable changes in medium voltage grid (MVG), including the risk of voltage instability. This article introduces the method of selecting the MVG structure based on the researches on the stability criterias, therefore, it identifies the centers of loads and focuses on the branch lines that have important role in the whole EPPS and then gives the variants to improve the parameters. The research results show that not only the network capability but also stability reserves of nodes are improved when considering the stability characteristics in the selection of medium voltage grid structure.