Training course on Balmorel model

From 19th to 23rd October 2015, General Department of Energy – MOIT, Danish Energy Agency and Institute of Energy co-organized a 5-day training course on “Energy scenarios for Vietnam – the Balmorel model” at the head office of the Institute of Energy.
On 13th July 2015, a workshop on “Model-based scenario analyses of low carbon development pathways for Vietnam” was held in Hanoi. The workshop focused on the following issues:

– The Vietnamese electricity system and renewable energy plans
– Challenges with renewable energy
– Using scenarios for policy development
– Presentation of the Balmorel model
– Examples of scenario projects

Following the success of the above mentioned seminar, Danish Energy Agency wishes to organize a short -term training course on model Balmorel for Vietnam. The main objectives of the training course are enhancing participants to fully understand the way the Balmorel model operates (methods and results) as well as deciding after training if model should be used in Vietnam.
After the training, the trainees will:
– Understand how power sector optimisation modelling can provide insights into major impacts of given economic, political and other developments
– Understand the key opportunities and limitations by using Balmorel
– Understand how to design scenarios for the power sector to inform the policy decision process
– Interpret the model outputs and make them available to a wider audience in the form of presentations
Attending to the training seminar, there are many professional experts from various relevant agencies such as General Department of Energy (GDE), Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam (ERAV), Electric Power University (EPU), Institute of Energy (IE), …
After five hard-working days of learning theory, testing models, discussing positively and seriously, the training session has been successfully completed. In the closing ceremony, lecturers and trainees assess the learning results as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the Balmorel model for Vietnam. Institute of Energy on behalf of co-organizers expresses sincere thanks to the Danish Energy Agency experts on the enthusiasm and kind support for the training and the development of human resources. Institute of Energy also wishes to continuously receive support from Danish Energy Agency in the next stage.

Several pictures of the training seminar:
