Vietnam Energy Overview

By Nguyen Khoa Dieu Ha
Department of Energy Economics, Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management

Vietnam is a country located in the Southeast Asia. It is bordered with Laos and Cambodia in the west, China in the north. As of 2010, population of Vietnam is 86.92 millions people; GDP is USD 62.9 billion and GDP/capita is 723 USD/person (USD2000) in 2010 (equal to 1223 USD/person in present US dollar value). Average growth rate of GDP is 7.3%/year in the period 2001-2010 and about 6.8%/year in period 2009-2010.

Vietnam Energy sectr significantly cntributes in cuntry ecnmic develpment, grwth f industry and exprt. Vietnam has multi energy resurces such as natural gas, il, cal, hydrpwer, bimass, wind and slar energy…, hwever, they are nt abundant.
Accrding t the experts, estimated ptential f il and gas is abut 4 billin TE, 6 billin tns f cal and abut 20,000 MW f hydrpwer. Gas and crude il are being explited in the suthern ffshre areas, cal is explited in the Nrthern Regin. Frm 1990, Vietnam began exprting energy, mainly cal and crude il.

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